Parawai Tramping Club

50th Jubilee

The clubs 50th Anniversary was held on the 10 and 11 November 2019. Friday 10 consisted of a BBQ Dinner and sleep over at Parawai Lodge – Otaki Forks. Saturday 11 consisted of a dinner at the Otaihanga Boating Club. Approximately 80 people attended the dinner.


Participant Spreadsheet

Black and White photos

Rick Barber put together some of his photos for the event.

Jubilee Book

A book was published to celebrate this anniversary. The editorial committee, Brian Solomon (Solly), Owen Cox, and Jenny Newby put in many hours. The book was made possible because of a generous donation bequeathed by Geoff Horn, a Parawai stalwart and honorary member.


Paul Michl sings an Irish traditional song "Whiskey in the Jar" at the Parawai Lodge gathering.

Below are members speaking at the dinner

Absent Friends - 5 minutes

Owen Cox presents a list of past members.

Clubs early days - 8 minutes

Dave Cox talks about the early presidents and the Cox family influence.

Presidents toste - 4 minutes

Neville Grubner talks about the club, past and present along with his envolvement.

Special times - 27 minutes

95 year old June Rowland talks about the club and her long envolvement.

Cake Cutting - 27 seconds

June Rowland, with the help of Lyndsay Fletcher, cut the celebration cake.

Older Trip Reports