Parawai Tramping Club


Gear falls into two categories; Party and Personal.

Party Gear

The Trip Leader will determine whether any communal gear is to be taken. You may be asked to share in the carrying of this.

First Aid Kit
A club first aid kit is taken on all club trips. However, this is not intended for minor personal first aid needs. You should take your own personal first aid kit which should contain a few strips of elastoplast, sun cream, headache pills, blister plasters (if needed). A small pair of scissors and needle & thread are also a useful personal item.
Maps / Compass / GPS
The Trip Leader will ensure these are carried and you may be asked to assist. Sometimes, trip members carry their own personal GPS.
The Trip Leader will ensure a club PLB is taken on each trip. However you can bring your own if you wish.

Personal Gear

You must have good footwear, a pack and rain wear.

You need a good pack that is comfortable for you. Use a pack liner (the club sells FMC Liners for $2) to keep gear dry inside.
Rain Jacket
Absolutely essential. Should be a good length - close to your knees, have a hood and be waterproof.
Think layers. Rather than one heavy item, 2 or 3 lighter layers are better. You don't need a fresh set of clothes for each day. You will need a simple change of clothes to put on at the end of the day. Most people take a hat - sunhat or warm beanie depending on the trip. A warm hat is essential on trips above the bush-line. Many people wear shorts and if it gets cold, then put on "long-johns". Jeans are definitely NOT suitable. On the tops, in cold conditions, you will also need windproof or waterproof outer leggings.
Most people wear boots because the nature of the terrain that club trips tramp across, usually requires boots. Sneakers or outdoor sandals do not provide the ankle support but would be OK on easy day trips. Gaiters are good for keeping mud, river gravel and/or snow out of your boots.
Eating Utensils
It is unnecessary to take two or more pieces of cutlery and two plates and a cup. One deep plastic bowl will serve for all courses and some people use their bowl for cups of tea and/or coffee. Other people take a mug as well.
Emergency Kit
You should carry a whistle, survival sheet, some extra food and matches (in a watertight container). See the Food section for comments on emergency food.

You can download a more comprehensive gear list.

If in doubt about any of the above please check with your Trip Leader.