Every year the club publishes its own calendar.
It is a full-colour A3 size (A4 picture plus A4 calendar) with one month per page and a photo from one of the club trips for each month.
Photograph Contribution
Please use the Member login to access this information.
You can only order by using the following form.
Last day for orders is 6 November.
Select below to email your order:
Cost is $20 each.
Make your payment directly to the club bank account 03-0732-0018089-00
Use your surname in the reference field and "Calendar" in details field.
Receiving Options
They can be posted to you or you can pick them up (see below).
The calendars should be available for pick up at the club night of Wednesday, 4th December.
However, if you cannot attend this meeting, it is strongly recommended to get a friend to collect your calendar on club night, due to the postage expense.
If the calendar cannot be collected on the night, other delivery options can be arranged on an individual basis.