Parawai Tramping Club

Titahi Bay South

Thursday 27 June 2019

Leader: Owen Cox

On a beautiful winter’s day five of us went south down the coast from Titahi Bay. We started at the boat sheds on the south end of the bay and scrambled around the rocks and headlands for half an hour or so until we reached easier going from Tirau Bay.

From here we had easy going over the beach and grassy flat above the beach to Open Bay. We had lunch on a large log on the beach in Open Bay. This is a beautiful sandy bay with good views of Mana and the South Island.

Trip Report Photo 1

After lunch we returned the same way. At Tirau Bay Darrel and I climbed up to the road to the sewerage works and climbed to the top of the houses above Titahi Bay before dropping down a series of footpaths that took us back to the car park. The others arrived from around the rocks a few minutes later. Great views and we even saw a touch of white on Mt Hector from above Titahi Bay.

Those on the trip were:

Owen Cox, Darrel Sutherland

Trip Report Photo 2

No photo album was created for this trip.