Sunday 19 September 2021
Leader: Dave Cox
Many of us mapped out new and interesting walking routes in our own neighbourhoods during the pandemic Lockdowns of 2020 and 2021. Wayne Williams explored Bothamley Park - a hidden gem in Porirua near Canon's Creek - and the various trails linking it to Ascot Park, Waitangirua and Aotea - and then suggested this area for a Club day trip. This was a great suggestion.
We had a lovely, relaxed day walk, setting out at a civilised hour from the Porirua Railway Station. From the north end of the station we followed the underpass into Bothamley Park and walked along and then uphill into Ascot Park. We then wound around the back of Waitangirua with stunning views of the Pauatahanui Inlet.
Lunch saw us perched on a small hill looking out over Porirua Harbour and towards Mana Island. We then walked through the hills behind Aotea and back onto the Bothamley Park track, looping back to the railway station. The walking took about 4 hours and we ended a great day with coffee and cakes in Plimmerton.
Those on the trip were:
Bryan Wild, Darrel Sutherland, Dave Cox, Elisabeth Hynes, John Glover, Neville Grubner, Pam Glover, Patrick Liss, Susan Robertson, Wayne Williams, Matt Freeland, Xiaofang
Photos were not supplied for this report.