Parawai Tramping Club

Wilton loop

Sunday 16 June 2024

Leader: Owen Cox

We were meant to do a loop around the gun emplacements above Makara. The minor hurricane coming off the sea, with a bit of moisture, convinced us to walk somewhere less exposed.

We drove over to Wilton and did a circuit around the bush, starting at Otari. The loop dropped down into the valley then climbed around the hillside towards the West. After a quick climb to the Skyline Walkway, we dropped back into the valley, returning to the car. In all we spent about 3 hours in the reserve. We saw a few decent-sized rimu trees in the bush and plenty of kaka; more than in the Tararuas.

Those on the trip were:

Owen Cox, Chantal Heller, Marian Cox, Maryann Bugg

Trip Report Photo 1
One of the gullies
Trip Report Photo 2
Large rimu

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.