Crow - Mokai Patea 13-14 February

A memorable loop walk over the tail end of the Hikurangi Range to Crow Hut the out via the Mokai Patea Range and Mt Colenso

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Wind me up!

Upper body exercise

Climbing to Hikurangi Range

Lunch stop / photo stop

Crow Hut

Steep climb out of the Kawhatau

If I hold onto the grass really tightly I won't fall off!

Mt Hikurangi from spur to Mokai range

View across Mokaipatea range to distant Ruapehu and Ngauruhoe

Central Ruahine main range from Rongotea

Hikurangi and McKinnon Hut

View from Mokai range across Ruahine Corner area to distant Kaimanawas and Kawekas