Deep South - Hollyford Easter/ANZAC 18-27 April

Friday, 18 April 2014

Beautiful rivers

Hidden Falls

Hidden Falls Hut - a welcome refuge from the rain

Morning mist

Little Homer Falls

Lake Alabaster


A Pistol Panorama - Lake Alabaster

We shared the hut with a boating group

Still stunning

The famous one billie stew for all

Alabaster Hut

The lake in the morning

Pyke River

hey everybody - look at that mist!

each 3 wire bridge crossing was a triumph

Merlin & Heather contemplate the route over lunch

G had one to many knocks to the head!

We did a wee detour to look at McKerrow Island Hut - got to bag as many as possible!

it was worth the walk - another stunning lake

McKerrow Island Hut

"What's up Rupert?" "You have very red head Bad Jelly!"

Rata looks bemused

While Julie had a good chuckle


G fell in the mud

Smurf looking staunch at DemonTrail Hut

Bad Jelly does the 3 wire wail

Paula in full combat rain gear, negotiates a stream crossing

Along the lake to Jamestown

Some very stylish river crossing techniques.

We went for an afternoon reccie to Sandy Bay

The stripe brigade

My precious

Another Pistol panorama - Martins Bay

Smurf gets a brew going in the wind

The flight to Milford

Milford Sound

The team, minus the big guys who went on the first flight