Ellis (Murderer's), Tin and Poutaki Huts 16-17 May
Weekend in the Ruahines taking in Ellis (Murderers), Tin and Poutaki Huts
Saturday, 16 May 2015
Old boots took off his boots to cross the Makaroro
Pleasant walking on Yeomans Track
It's seen better days but is not beyond saving
Interesting juxtaposition of the native cabbage tree against the inroduced pine
A convivial evening in an historic hut
Everyone was waiting for the leader to put his boots on, so ...
.... Peter attempted a few 'art shots'
Heading out, Sunday morning
Getting ready for the climb up to Poutaki
On the Wakarara Range, heading for Poutaki Hut
View to NE Ruahines and Parks Peak
We abandoned the forestry road here and wandered down the creek to the Makaroro
One last crossing back to the road end