Mana Island Sunday 31 January

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Coffee anyone? Mandatory part of every Parawai trip.

Mana Island transport

In case you're not sure where you are....

Gathering for the DOC briefing

It was a panorama sort of day...

View to Mt Wainui, one of our favourite hills

The long and winding road..

Very subtle glee upon finding a geocache

Takahe with broken leg bound for main Island


We all wanted to get the perfect takahe shot...

Not bad!


Petrel roosting boxes

Kakariki Chicks showing the start of their green feathers

Princess Leia

David tempts the resident eagle rays with his smelly toes

Scary sea creatures of Mana Is #1 - the eagle ray

Scary sea creatures of Mana Is #2 - the DM Jnr

They're coming to take us away!