Lagoon Saddle - Cass Saddle 4-5 January

A two day trip in the Arthurs Pass area starting at Cora Lynn Station and crossing Lagoon Saddle and Cass Saddle. Great scenery.

Monday, 04 January 2016

Douglas Fir forest above Cora Lynn Station

Looking north over the Waimakariri valley with the Bealey river coming down from Arthurs Pass and joining the Waimak.

Bealey River entering the Waimakariri River. Mt Rolleston just covered by cloud.

Looking down on Cora Lynn Station in the Waimakariri Valley

The Waimakariri has a typical Canterbury riverbed - wide and braided.

Now above the bushline

Looking down on Bealey Spur

Just above Lagoon Saddle

Looking down on Lagoon Saddle

The old Lagoon Saddle Hut

The newer Lagoon Saddle Bivvy

Erosion in the Harper River valley

The Harper River

The rustic West Harper Hut

The Harper River flowing towards the Craigieburn Range. Mt Cheeseman in the distance.

The track climbs high above the Harper River before reaching this swing bridge.

Now in the Hamilton Creek valley, we stayed in the spacious 20 bunk Hamilton Hut (also known as the "Hamilton Hilton").

Looking back at Mt Olympus in the Craigieburn Range,

Hamilton Creek. Mt Olympus in the background.

Goblin forest.

The peaks above Cass Saddle.

Cass Saddle just to the right.

The Broken River Skifield is just the other side of these tops in the Craigieburn Range. (What have they been tipping over the top of the ridge!)

Cass Saddle Hut

Craigieburn Range debris coming into the upper Cass River.

You wouldn't come down here in a flood!

The track then takes a high route above the river on the true right.

Then the Cass River valley flattens out.

A long 4 wheel drive track to the finish.

The track car park - Chris then walked a km or so to the Cass Railway station where we had left the car for safety reasons.