Leon Kinvig Hut 14-15 May

In via Shorts Track, overnight at Lean Kinvig Hut, out via Knights Track. Misty and windy tops.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

After a change of plans we went in over Shorts Track and returned on Sunday via Knights Track. Neville's GPS track in red, total distance 22km.

Julie and Chris towards the top of Shorts Track.

It was misty and windy on the top of the Ngamoko Range.

Susan heading for the Pahongina valley.

Leon Kinvig - a very nice hut on the Pohangina riverbank.

The loo was a fair way from the hut and took some finding.

Susan, John and Chris crossing the Pohangina river again on Sunday morning.

Chris emerging from the bushline on the Ngamoko Range on Sunday morning.

Still misty.

Susan and John towards the top of the Ngamoko Range in the mist.

Starting to go back down.


Lunchtime on Knights Track.

These metal bands are protecting the mistletoe bush (on the side of the Beech tree) from the possums.

Storm damage.

Nature taking over.

Elisabeth getting wet feet again.

Chris pointing to the wrong direction these two took the previous day and Julie pointing to the way they should have gone!