Hawkes Bay MTB 9-11 November

Friday, 09 November 2018

Top 10 Holiday Park Hastings

Saturday morning - starting on the Tukituki River stop bank


Glenda and Chris

The Tukituki Estuary

Coffee at the Clearview Vineyards cafe

Cape Kidnappers in the distance

The sea wall at Clifton

Low tide transport for the gannet colony visitors

Some of the Haumoana houses are almost falling into the sea


Black Bridge

The Tukituki River


The trail back to Hastings

Saturday night dinner at the Rose and Shamrock Inn, Havelock North

Sunday morning - starting on the beach just south of Napier

The crew

This time on the Tutaekuri River stop bank


Elisabeth and Neville

Coffee at the Puketapu Pub

Rex - about to power off into the distance!

Now on the other side of the Tutaekuri River

Marian and Julie

Taradale - we biked through the streets from here to get to the Napier port area

Paul was determined to fix that slow puncture!


Napier Port