NW Ruahines Waitangi Extended 2-6 February
Friday, 02 February 2018
The first steep grunt starts at the carpark
Marcia and Sue Pause for a rest at the start of the sidle into Mokai Saddle
Getting to the waterfall in the unknown takes a bit of scrambling
Getting back takes a bit of scrambling too
Bridge over Unknown at start of track to Colenso
New Maropea bridge at Ironbark
Marcia snapped this ruru along the track to Colenso
Descending to the Mangatera River where the track has slipped away
Waterfall in the Mangatera
A couple took the easy - but expensive - way to Colenso Hut
Part of the track from Colenso to the Unknown is a steep natural staircase
Lake Colenso from track to the Unknown Campsite
How track maintenance crews used to deal with windfalls
Old NZFS, newer NZFS ... and DOC
Lunch stop on Puketaramea
Climbing Bruce Spur to Mokai Patea Range
Mokai Station high country