Parawai Lodge Work Party 10-11 March
Saturday, 10 March 2018
After moving lots of gear from the carpark we made a start on cleaning down the hut.
The western side was out of the sun in the morning.
Cleaning down the inside walls
Some of the old paint peeled away in places
We even cleaned the ''awkward to get to'' places
Even the loo go a good clean down inside and out
'' The door's at the other end dear''
Most of us tented overnight just outside the hut.
Many hands made light work with the painting
Fortunately the recent rain had filled the water tank - our supply of water for cleaning and painting.
Bryan doing some of the fiddly painting
Phil did a temporary fitting of the new DOC-supplied decking boards to the step (after discovering rotten timber in the posts and outside bearer)
The interior painting crew decided to use the DOC supplied disposable overalls
If you don't recognise the ''ghosts'' they are Sue, Paula, and Pam. The hands are Glenda's.
John getting to some of the awkward bits
Barbeque time Saturday evening
A well earned beer before dinner!
Before it got dark Paul got out the ukulele
By the time it got dark there was a good old sing-song going
It was a bit cold on the Sunday morning
Frost on the mattresses that were left out overnight
The sun did not take long to come up and we were quickly back into the painting
The loo looking good after painting
Pretty flash for a tramping hut loo!
Marian emphasising a point to our one-armed, odd-job supervisor Chris
There was rotten timber in the deck step posts and outside bearer.
Phil returned home on Saturday night and returned Sunday morning with materials for the repair job
A much flasher looking deck and front entrance
Phil also re[placed the guttering outlet and the downpipe feeding the water tank
New silicone sealer around the loo breather pipe
The whole interior of the hut was cleaned down and painted
Just a few finishing touches