Pukeokahu walks 17-18 November
Saturday, 17 November 2018
All aboard for the dusty ride to the back of Mangaohane Station
Setting off towards Aorangi
Our guides, planning their strategy
Our route takes us up the scrub and grass face to a break in the bluffs near their left hand corner
A ladder provided a bit of assistance
David is plotting evil ....
A grassy lane provides an easy route across Aorangi's jungly top
Lunch spot below the bluffs
Wonderful mountain cedars
... and a 1000yr old rimu
Kowhai were flowering spectacularly on the faces above the Rangitikei River
Raft ride across to River Valley
The Rangitikei squeezes through at narrow slot at The Narrows
Gazing across at Pukeokahu
Looking down at a Grade 5 stretch of the Rangitikei - next year we'll raft it
Recent storm damage on the Rangitikei faces
Body piercings are in vogue in the animal kingdom too