Ski Trip to Whakapapa 11-16 October

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Arriving at the CTC Lodge Sunday afternoon

Yingjun at work in the lodge kitchen

Very healthy nibbles!

Pre dinner snacks

Monday was a bad weather day!

On Tuesday we visited the Tokaanu Hot Springs in the morning and the "Silica Rapids" in the afternoon.

Graeme, Paula, and Jingjun took the lower route to the Silica Springs

Mt Ngauruhoe in the cloud

Wednesday morning dawned bright and sunny

The Valley T-Bar

The Pinnacles and Mt Ngauruhoe

Graeme and Paula


Glenda and Chris

Miyah, Lucas, and Yingjun

On Thursday we awoke to a white world at the lodge!

Covid 19 preparation!

Building a snowman Thursday morning

Lucas, "Snowy", and Yingjun

Lucas, "Snowy", Glenda, and Chris

Thursday's activity was a walk to the Whakapapaiti Hut

There was a little bit of snow in the air


Yingjun, Brandon, and Glenda

The Whakapapaiti Hut

Returning to the lodge

Ice Daggers

The Pinnacles, as seen from the Knoll Ridge Cafe complex Friday morning

The Valley T-Bar

Glenda, Chris, and Bryan

Chris with "blinkered" vision

Brandon, Chris, Glenda

Icicles on the café roof

Lucas and Miyah

Returning to base in the "Sky Waka" gondola