Stewart Island Rakiura Circuit 11-13 March

Thursday, 11 March 2021


Looking out towards Halfmoon Bay

Horseshoe Bay

A meaningful sign here!

The Rakiura circuit track starts at Lee Bay

Mamaku Point Conservation Reserve -predator proof fence

Sue inside Te Puka a Maui anchor chain

Maori Beach camping shelter

Steam boiler for log hauling - Maori Beach

Port William campsite

Port William campsite shelter

Port William Hut

White tail deer grazing on the lawn outside Port William Hut


Bambi and Paul

Paul and Port William wharf

Log hauling machinery

The infamous Stewart Island mud!

Lunch at a DOC work party hut

North Branch Hut - we slept on the kitchen floor here to avoid the bed bugs in the bunk rooms!

Paul and Sue enjoying the sunshine

Paterson Inlet North Arm


Lunchtime at Kaipipi Bay - Sue, Glenda, Paul, Chris

Glenda with a good size sea perch

Chris with a very large spotty!

Back at Oban

The Southern Lights (Aurora Australis) - a time exposure photo from Obervation Point (above Oban)

SpaceX's Starlink Satellite Train - about 60 satellites which we saw from Observation Point

Dawn at Halfmoon Bay (Oban)

Ulva Island

Ulva Island weka. (There are no weka on Stewart Island.)

Ulva Island yellowhead

South Island saddleback (on Ulva Island)

Paul stumbled across this very rare Ulva Island Wekiwi !