Aerial perspectives of our mountains
For those who missed club night on 11 October, here are the photos I showed. Enjoy!
Saturday, 05 November 2022
Tararuas, looking south over Maungahuka to Alpha, Hector and Field Peak.
Maungahuka Hut and frozen tarn.
Kime, Hector, Winchcombe Ridge.
Winchcombe Ridge, Hector, Beehives and Atkinson.
Whanahuia Range, Rangiwahia ridge under wing.
Whanahuia tops near Maungamahue. Pointy peak in background is Te Atuaoparapara.
Ruahine Corner plateau with main range in background.
Para-skier on Ruapehu summit plateau.
Tama Lakes and Ngauruhoe.
Ngauruhoe summit and crater.
Mokai Patea. Main Ruahine range on skyline.
First landing on Boyd airstrip.
View down to airstrip from Boyd Rocks, Kaimanawas.
Frigid campsite beside Ngaruroro River near Boyds.
Flying up the Wairau Valley, Marlborough.
Hells Gate, Wairau Gorge.
Isolated Saddle area, Acheron Valley, Molesworth.
Ruahine Corner airstrip and hut.
Potae and Blue Slip, Ruahine Corner.
Takapari Road and Travers Hut.
Mahia weather radar - one of my MetService projects.
White Island (before the tragic 2019 eruption).
Northern Ruahines - Nomans on furthest ridge, Ikawatea spur in foreground.
Lake Waikareiti, with Waikaremoana and Panakiri Bluff in background.
Northeast Ruahines near Nomans. Mangaohane in background.
View south along Ruahine Range from near Aranga Hut. Central Ruahine peaks in background.
Lake Colenso, Mokai Patea Range in background.
Sometimes the weather closes in…
Low level diversion to Foxpine (Foxton) due to unflyable weather at Paraparaumu.
Approaching a one-way topdressing strip near Ohau.
High ground (Tararua foothills) and high voltage transmission lines at the top of the strip preclude a low-level go-around.
My first landing at Ruahine Corner.
Tararuas. Kahiwiroa in foreground, Holdsworth range behind.
Waihone headwaters with Arete and Bannister dominating the skyline on left.
Approaching Aoraki/Mt Cook.
Tasman and Cook. Colouration on Fox Glacier is ash from Australian bushfires.
Checking out a newer, more powerful aircraft on a Waikato farm strip.
Checking the condition of the wing structure.
Deal done! Ready to fly home from Te Kuiti aerodrome.
The new and the old, Paraparaumu.
Looking north along the Holdsworth range. Peak-spotters will have a ball with this one!
Girdlestone, Brockett and Mitre, among others.
Central Ruahines, from near Iron Peg looking across to main range.
Looking down onto river flats at Waterfall Hut.
Main Ruahine range under wing, Hikurangi Range in background.
Main Ruahine range, Sawtooth area.
Another visit to Ruahine Corner.
Mt Arthur, Kahurangi Mountains.
Cobb valley area, Kahurangi.
Cobb Valley and Lockett Range.
Te Rere Hau windfarm, far-northern Tararuas.
'Piano keys' pattern formed by wave action, near Wairoa.
Ruatoria valley, Tairawhiti. Hikurangi - first place to see the sun - centre background.
Landing in very turbulent windy conditions, Te Araroa (East Cape).
Park Valley, Arete, Bannister and Lancaster, northern Tararuas.
Koputaroa aitstrip, near Shannon.
Whanahuhia Tange with Te Hekenga in background.
Sparrowhawk Range, Ngamatea Station farmland on left.
The slip that finally closed Otaki Gorge Road.
Te Rakaunuiokura/Black Hill, prominent landmark near Ruahine Corner.
Walking towards Black Hill.
View back over Ruahine Corner from top of Black Hill.
West from Black Hill across Ohutu Ridge and Aorangi.
Makaroro River - site of former proposed Ruataniwha irrigation dam.
Mt Sefton and the Footstool.
Aoraki/Mt Cook from Tasman Valley.
Head of the Tasman Glacier. Elie de Beaumont ahead.
Cook and Tasman on the right.
Muzzle Station and airstrips, Clarence valley.
Marlborough high country.
Keep well away from mountains in weather like this!