Pukeokahu 2022 - Otupae Range 12 November

Magical walking with the Pukeokahu crew and around 60 like-minded trampers on the Otupae Range. Many thanks to the landowners and the Pukeokahu community for providing this special opportunity.

Saturday, 12 November 2022

Bluffs above Makirikiri Stream at the back of Otupae Station

Makirikiri horse clearings with Nomans range in the background

Climbing southern slopes of Otupae Range with Ikawatea headwaters and main Ruahine range in background

Lunch stop just below crest of Otupae Range

Looking back across Mangaohane to Aorangi

View south over Ruahine Corner area to central Ruahines

Taruarau and Ikawatea valleys and Pohokura farmland

Approaching the highest point of our walk

Looking north, Kawekas in right background

Heading down the western slopes towards Otupae Station

Kylie and her invisible phone