Totara Flats 30 November to 1 December

Saturday, 30 November 2019

The big swing bridge over the Waiohine River

Bryan's water bottle decided to jump off his pack!

Totara Flats

The tents that were set up in the open were buffeted by the wind overnight!

The tents in the trees had a bit of shelter from the wind

The river near the camp

Further upstream - Sayer Hut is across the river at the bend.

The crossing point for Sayer Hut

Solly practicing the delicate art of ... well, fly fishing of course!

Tim holding up Sayer Hut

Someone is in residence

Meanwhile back at camp a brew is on

Tim actually got the whole of his spoon into his mouth!

No, the marshmellow is not meant to catch fire!

Almost bedtime!

June was practicing with her new super-duper phone camera.

Heading back down river on Sunday morning.

The Crew

More of the crew

Rewarewa flower