7-8 September 2019
Leader: Neville Grubner
Our volunteer trip to Mana island over the weekend of the 7th and 8th September turned out to be a great weekend.
We ended up with ideal weather despite the dodgy forecast. The crew of 11 made short work of all the trench digging on Saturday. Some trenches were dug with precision while others just passed the requirements. There were no Kiwi sighted but the colour of the water from the tap kept us entertained Saturday night instead. Apparently it had something to do with some digging rupturing a pipeline, but we now know why they need a new water system.

Having finished most of the set tasks on Saturday we had time to explore the island, search for relics from the whaler’s days, and do a beach cleanup on Sunday. The southerly just came through as we were leaving but the crossing was as smooth as it gets.
Those on the trip were:
Neville Grubner, Peter Davis, James Bester, Sue Pate, Glenda Robb, Chris Keating, Kate Livingston, Helen Baber, Rosemary McCarthy