Parawai Tramping Club

Northern Walkway, Wellington

Sunday 21 February 2021

Leader: Susan Robertson

Who knew that the back streets of Johnsonville led up to a network of trails and reserves with spectacular views of the city, harbour, ocean and mountain ranges?

Our urban adventure began on the 10.02 train to Raroa Station. We started the hike on the Northern Walkway which took us up and over Mount Kaukau where the wind was savage but the views were stunning.

After a very brief stop we followed the Skyline Walk which runs north and south along the ridge between Mount Kaukau and Chartwell. Then we switched onto Bells Track and down into Ngaio to enjoy a spot of café culture (our experts rated the carrot cake at Café Villa as the best in Wellington).

To join up with Tinakori Hill we took a trail through Trelissick Park which must be one of the best kept secrets in Wadestown (a suburb that no doubt harbours many secrets). The park was lovely... more extensive, steeper and wilder than expected with mature bush, a little stream and glimpses of the Johnsonville line. We emerged at the base of Tinakori Hill and joined a track that sidled around the hill. After a lengthy search for the perfect lunch spot we found a warm, grassy slope looking out over the harbour. We finished the walk in Glenmore Street and headed to the railway station in time to catch the 4.14pm service to Waikanae.

Those on the trip were:

Dave Cox, Neville Grubner, Elisabeth Hynes, Glenda Robb, Chris Keating, Marian Cox, Owen Cox, Darrel Sutherland, Jing Zhou, Yingjun Shelton, Nisa Promchot, Joanna Donovan, Susan Robertson

Photos were not supplied for this report.