27-28 March 2021
Leader: Marian Cox
There were 11 of us Parawais, privileged to be going to Mana Island as volunteers. The weather was grey, and the boat, leaving at 9 on the Saturday morning, had a wavy trip over to the island. Otis (the Ranger) was there to greet us, and 5 others whom he knew (all volunteers).
We walked past the old barn from the farming days to the former research centre, where our living quarters were, to a room where we inspected all our gear. This was just in case we had brought some unwanted critters like mice or ants with us.

After going over Health and Safety issues and having cups of tea, our first job was to tidy up the overgrown bush around some nearby sheds. Quite difficult with the Muehlenbeckia network, especially as it was over and through fallen trees/branches. Rewarding job though!
Lunch at our HQ, then a steep walk up a track where we trimmed the sides of the track - to aid the passage of a tractor/4-wheeler. The job is to be effective for 2 years. At the end of the track clearing we had a challenge to uncover an old trailer from the farming days, complete with a tree growing through its tray! Lots of photos were taken, including of 2 weta whose home we had disturbed.

Some of the group returned to base via the old lighthouse site, and they saw a takahe in the keeper's garden nearby. Others returned by the southern route, again where wonderful views could be had of the mainland. The island was very dry, and even the brown teals' ponds had dried up. The bird-life is increasing though, and it's great being able to hear them at dawn and dusk.
We had a shared meal that night, which was much appreciated and enjoyed. Then before dessert, time was made for kiwi-spotting, None was spied, but half a penguin was seen by some while two people saw many more!

Sunday dawned a beautiful and hot day. More trimming was done on a different track until not long before the boat was due. Back at HQ we cleaned up, and packed up for the return boat trip at 4pm, then were farewelled by Otis. We'll be back!
Those on the trip were:
Glenda Robb, Chris Keating, Elisabeth Hynes, Neville Grubner, Darrel Sutherland, Nisa Promchot, Brandon Holman, Wayne Williams, Sue Pate, Marian Cox, Owen Cox

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.