Parawai Tramping Club

Rangiwahia Hut

7-8 August 2021

Leader: Dave Cox

The best laid plans of mice, men and Parawai trampers often go awry.

We had an easy, pleasant walk into Rangiwahia Hut on Saturday in pretty good weather. The plan for Sunday was to walk along the ridge and, hopefully, meet up with the other group led by Owen (who were staying at Triangle Hut) to walk out along Deadman's track.

However Sunday morning saw storm clouds amassing to the south and it was clear that cold temperatures and rain were on their way. We estimated that we had a few calm, dry hours before the storm arrived. We used the good weather window to wander up the ridge behind Rangiwahia Hut for a stretch and to enjoy the great views before heading back down the Rangiwahia track the way we had come.

Highlights of the trip included: the panoramic views from Rangiwahia Hut, a convivial evening gathered around the wood burner solving many of the world's problems, reaching the cars on Sunday about 20 minutes before the storm arrived (hoping the other group were not far behind us), coffee and chitchat in Fielding on the way home.

Those on the trip were:

Dave Cox, Jing Zhou, Marian Cox, Niamh Dunne, Susan Robertson, Viv Roberts

Photos were not supplied for this report.