Sunday 15 August 2021
Leader: Brandon Holman
Twelve of us met up at the Kapiti Primary School carpark at 8:30 am and set off for Otaki Forks. We walked into schoolhouse flat and after a morning tea break, said goodbye to dry feet. We crossed the Waiotauru River in groups as it was running strongly at knee height (thigh high on June!).

After crossing flat ground for twenty minutes or so, we came upon the Sheridan Creek route and proceeded to walk up it, mostly on the river gravel but often in the water. After another hour or so we arrived at the old log hauler which is well preserved, and under cover. Preservationists have also re-laid some of the tram track to show how logs were brought down to the Otaki Forks area for milling.

We stopped for lunch soon after, with most preferring to sit near the creek bed where some sunlight broke through, as it was quite cold. On the way back we stopped again at the well-made shelter at schoolhouse flat, a busy place in summertime, but quite deserted except for us due to the time of year, COVID, and the slip on the main road in (preventing vehicular access to Otaki Forks). All in all we took about five or six hours, getting back to the cars by about 3:30pm.
Those on the trip were:
Brandon Holman, Bryan Wild, Kate Livingston, Elisabeth Hynes, Sue, Neville Grubner, Niamh Dunne, Nisa Promchot, Rob Dey, Yingjun Shelton, Jing Zhou, Jing's mum, Nisa's friend

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.