Parawai Tramping Club

Eastern Tararua Wandering

14-17 January 2023

Leader: Dave Cox

For far too long, some of us, for varying reasons, had not been able to put on our boots and head into the hills. This had become frustrating.

We needed to make up for lost time, and to test and advance our tramping fitness.

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Hard to say what they're doing.. possibly a seance?

Before we set out there were important questions to be answered: Where to stop for coffee on the way north? Did the forecast of showers mean we would have to pitch our tents in the rain? Would there be opportunities for swimming, and, more important, was it a wander or a womble? The answers were: Cahoots Café in Greytown; thankfully no; happily yes, and opinions differed on the last question.

This was a four day trip, with people having a choice, on three of the four days, of either an easy or a medium walk. The idea was to cater for different interests and allow individuals to make a choice, each morning, of their preferred route.

Trip Report Photo 2
Sue in her element

The first day involved an easy walk for six of us from Walls Whare over point 682 into Cone Flats by the Tauherenikau.

Two keen individuals took the longer route over the Mt Reeves Track to Tutuwai Hut and then up the valley.

Trip Report Photo 3
What a great place to camp

We set up camp for two nights on the riverbank. The first tasks as always, were to gather firewood, start the campfire and set the ancient billy to boil (who needs a Jetboil Flash cooker?)

Day two offered several options including a climb up to Bull Mound, a stroll along the riverbank to Tutuwai Hut, or a quiet day exploring the Cone area. Four people crossed the river and climbed the steep hill up to Bull Mound and then came back down the Omega track while others enjoyed a relaxing walk up to Tutuwai Hut.

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Starting the climb up to Bull Mound

On day three we rose early, packed up the tents and headed up to Cone Saddle. At that point there was a choice of turning directly down towards the Waiohine River or taking the longer route of a climb over Cone and a walk along Cone Ridge before descending to the river. In the event it was a very hot day and so everybody on the trip chose the more direct route.

Camping that night among the kanuka trees along the riverbank and enjoying a swim were magical. It was such a warm evening that (after some debate of the pros and cons, and having considered all angles) we decided not to light a campfire.

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We found a stinkhorn fungus!

The final day involved the pretty walk out down the Waiohine Gorge to the carpark.

This was a relaxing break providing a good stretch, in great company. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Those on the trip were:

Chris Keating, Dave Cox, Glenda Robb, Kate Livingston, Marian Cox, Owen Cox, Sue Pate, Susan Robertson

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.