Sunday 21 January 2024
Leader: Glenda Robb
Since farming operations ceased in Queen Elizabeth Park several years ago, new tracks have opened up, wetlands have been restored and fences have been gradually removed. This walk was a chance to explore new tracks and trails in areas not previously open to the public.
Eleven people gathered at Rainbow Court in Raumati South. We began by heading north on the cycleway toward Poplar Avenue, before turning off via an unmarked trail through wetland and replanted dunes to the old farm track that is now widely used by both cyclists and walkers to access the centre of the park.

A short way up the track we turned off on a track heading toward the highway and a low wetland area which has been extensively replanted with flax, kanuka etc over the past 5 years. Then we headed south over low rolling dunes to Waterfall Stream, doubling back over the old farm track and onto the newly named Kanuka Track which lead us briefly back to the cycleway. A short hop from there and we were on the Whareroa Track which winds its way toward Whareroa Road and a much appreciated drink and lunch stop at the Ramaroa Centre where the central shady deck and seating area was a welcome rest spot as the day got hotter.
Seven of us then continued into the southern half of the park, first through the McKay's Crossing Wetland and then on to the Te Ara o Tipapa Track.

Here we took a short loop into the kahikatea forest remnant before returning to the main track through to the Marines Wetland (where the dab chicks were paddling and the swallows swooping over the pond). We then joined the Yankee Trail which continued onto another farm track (where there was a pause for a blackberry snack). We then doubled back on the Dune Swamp Track which took us back to the Ramaroa Centre in the centre of the park. It was very hot by then, so we headed down the track parallel to the road and onto the beach where some of us took our boots off for a welcome paddle back along the beach to Raumati South. There was one last climb up and over a sandy dune trail (where there were a few complaints about the uphill climb but the fantastic views at the top made up for it!) which took us back to Rainbow Court.
A nice day exploring and 17Km walked.

There is more to do on another day!
Those on the trip were:
Chris Keating, Dave Cox, David Williams, Glenda Robb, Owen Cox, Patrick Liss, Sandra Rowland, Anne Liss, Sue Pate, Susan Robertson, Tony Quayle, Veronika Munro

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.