15-16 February 2025
Leader: Brandon Holman
Eight of us met at the Waiohine roadend at 11:30am on a very hot February day for our two-day tramp to Totara Flats Hut as part of the Parawai Tararua Challenge.

For those who have not been there before, the bridge you must cross at the very start of the track is very high indeed. My dog Dora was not impressed and whimpered all the way over (probably because she could see straight down through the bridge deck; later she was better on bridges with a wooden deck). We split into two groups, with the faster bunch going on ahead, whilst my son, grandson, dog and I brought up the rear. We stopped for lunch, and soon after for a swim. As many club members will know, the track to Totara Flats is very gnarly, with very little walking on the flat (until later) and lots of going up and down spurs.

When we got to the flats it was most delightful, with vibrant colours and easy walking terrain. The sun, however was intense and my jet black dog Dora was cooking, so we stopped in the shade of the trees just short of the hut to give her some heat relief.

Soon after we arrived at Totara Flats Hut and found Paula and her brother Douglas putting up her tent. Our group headed straight to the river for another swim, which was very pleasant, and somewhat warmer it seemed to me than further downstream. The hut was busy with young folk and a family with a toddler, so we oldies (mostly) camped outside and used the verandah for cooking etc. My son and grandson enjoyed sleeping in the open air, albeit under the verandah, as did Paula, leaving the tent for her brother to use.

The next day was cloudier, and the walk out over the flats was cooler. We crossed the river after about 30 mins, to bag Sawyer Hut where we met a father, his 10-year-old daughter and their dog. Heading off, we again split into two groups as before, with the stragglers making it back to the carpark around 1:30pm. A mandatory swim followed (after quite a walk down to get to river from the carpark) which was freezing. We noticed other visitors had wetsuits on! Refreshed and with a fresh change of clothes we set off back to Kapiti getting home about 4:00pm.
Those on the trip were:
Brandon Holman, Dave Cox, Geoff Scrase, Paula Richardson, Sigi Scrase, Douglas Walker, Matthew Holman, James Holman

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.
Author: Brandon Holman