Sunday 1 September 2019
Leader: Brandon Holman
Seven of us met up at Kapiti School at 8:00am, including new members Graham Curtis and Lisa call. We travelled down to Elsdon and met up with two more folk, and set off for what the weather people said would be clear blue sky day!
Well, soon after completing the stair climb, we were met with cloud and cold winds (I even got my gloves out!). We had very limited views from the top of Colonial Knob, and we soon descended to Spicer Forest, marvelling at the fact we cycled down those steep slopes in April and none of us fell off. Soon we were walking on the Ohariu Valley Road, and it was pleasant enough to begin with but then got busier with pony-trekking kids and parents in very large SUVs squeezing us off the road. We were treated to many views of daffodils and new-born lambs along the way.

We stopped for lunch at the beginning of the old coach road, as we began the ascent of Mount Kaukau. Lovely views gave way suddenly to the Broadmeadows housing estate as we turned a corner on the track, but not a bad place to live if you like trail-running. Soon we bumped into Wayne Williams who had kindly agreed to meet up with us and take the drivers back to Elsdon, once we had descended to the Khandallah Park cafe at 3:00 pm, where the rest waited for the cars to pick them up.
A great day in the hills, albeit colder than anticipated. Two summits in one day made us feel we merited membership of the Kathmandu summit club for sure.
Those on the trip were:
Brandon Holman, Graham Curtis, Lisa Call, Chris Keating, Glenda Robb, Sue Pate, Wayne Wiliams, Helen Baber
No photo album was created for this trip.