15-16 November 2019
Leader: Tony Quayle
This was the fifth Parawai crew to partake on one of the annual Pukeokahu community fundraiser walks, famed for their interesting destinations, exceptional BBQ dinners and all-round wonderful hospitality.
17 of us made our way in dribs and drabs to Mangaohane Station on Friday, some enjoying a bit of a navigation challenge along the way, but we all got there in the end. The BBQ dinner and socialising with the hosts and other participants we have got to know over the years, were followed by a night on the woolshed floor.

Reveille was around 6:00am, in time for breakfast and final preparations before the 7.30 briefing and the long 4WD journey to the back of Mangaohane. From there we soon crossed from the lush pastures of the station into the Maori owned Aorangi-Awarua tussocklands, following a recently upgraded quad bike track.
Rather than following the track all the way to Ruahine Corner as we had done 3 years earlier, this time the organisers had us branch off and skirt around the rim-rocks that form the northern and eastern edge of the plateau country. In fine weather (albeit with a bit of a chilly wind) this was very scenic, especially around the cluster of massive limestone rocks where the spur to Ikawatea Forks reaches the rim.

Ruahine Corner Hut was a lovely place for lunch, before setting off north along the normal track through the centre of the plateau back to the vehicles. For those feeling a bit tired or lazy, rides out were offered on nifty side-by-side farm vehicles. However, I’m pleased to report that all the Parawais completed the journey on foot - a 20km walk over undulating countryside, no big climbs.
We all got to top up with more food and drink back at Mangaohane before making the long drive home.
Those on the trip were:
Tony Quayle, David Williams, Dene Wade, Elisabeth Hynes, Graeme Richardson, Kate Livingston, James Bester, John Rowlands, John Sturgess, June Shelton, Neville Grubner, Paula Richardson, Peter Davis, Sandra Rowland, Wayne Williams.