Thursday 20 February 2020
Leader: Owen Cox
There were two of us on the trip; Moshe and me. We left Waikanae about 10am and left the car at the car park at the end of Poads Road.
It was a bit cloudy as we walked in up the Ohau sidle track. Once at the old hut site we dropped to the confluence of the Ohau and Blackwater Stream for lunch.
From here we headed at a leisurely pace down the river. A short time later the sun came out and it heated up. By the time we got to the first neck deep wade it was hot and the river was not cold. Last time I did the gorge, a few years ago, there was one. This time 4 pools need swimming and there were a few deep wades.
We had an inner tube so the bags stayed dry. The wander down the gorge took about two and half hours, including a couple of stops for extra swims and food.
We climbed out using the steps by the water intake. These take you to a steep route that comes out by the start of the farmland. We were back at the car just after 4pm.
Recommend the trip as an easy river wander on a hot day. The river has some lovely green pools and there is nothing difficult in it.
Those on the trip were:
Owen Cox, Moshe
Currently there is no photo album for this trip.