14-15 March 2020
Leader: David Williams
There were only three of us on the trip, which made the logistics nice and easy. I left Waikanae around 7.00am and headed to pick up Marcia from home, followed by John.
We stopped en route for a cuppa and something to eat at Norsewood. We started walking from Wakarara Road end around 11.00am and it only took us some 50 minutes to stroll up the river to the turn off. We climbed steeply alongside farmland for a little while, then eventually entered the bush proper. Another hour along through the bush and a drop of a couple hundred metres saw us arrive at the hut, less than four hours from leaving the car.

The next day we took the creek out rather than follow the exact same route we'd taken in. We'd read stories about a lot of log jams, but it was easy, pleasant travel. We were back at the car within 3 hours of leaving the hut, and home at a reasonable hour.
Those on the trip were:
Marcia Goode, John Sturgess, David Williams