23-24 May 2020
Leader: Chantal Heller
Six of us left Kapiti to go to the Wairarapa for our first overnight camping trip post lockdown.
We met at Featherston to regroup with a yummy morning tea and then set off to Ngawi to check out the tractors and fishing boats, many of which had already taken to the high seas. The weather was lovely and balmy and I was quite taken back at how calm the sea water was, almost lake like. It was amazingly different from the normal rough and roaring sea that normally greets us all along that coastline.

The next morning was a leisurely stroll back to the cars, a quick jaunt up to the top of Cape Palliser lighthouse and then onto Martinborough for lunch. Not your normal tramping trip of mountains and river crossings but a great start to hopefully many more tramping outings in our new world.
Those on the trip were:
Neville Grubner, Elisabeth Hynes, Owen Cox, Marian Cox, Kate Livingston, Chantal Heller

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.