Queen's Birthday 30 May to 1 June 2020
Leader: Owen Cox
On Queen's Birthday weekend, four of us headed to the Tararuas. The forecast was not good with misty rain predicted for much of the weekend. However, as it was just after the lock-down we were keen to get out. To avoid full huts we planned to camp both nights.
However, as it was just after the lock-down we were keen to get out. To avoid full huts we planned to camp both nights.

Sunday morning we wandered up the easy valley to Cone Hut. It started raining and as the hut was empty we had an early lunch and brew in the hut. We wombled up the track to Cone Saddle and down into the Waiohine in rain. A bit more slippery than usual. It stopped raining on the track up the valley just before the section on the riverbed. We arrived at the small flat at the southern end of Totara Flats between 4pm and 5pm in quite gloomy conditions. We had heard that Totara Flats hut was full the night before and as the campsite was empty and it wasn’t raining, we quickly pitched camp in the gloomy conditions and lit another fire. Another good night with some drizzle. Winter tramping involves long nights so good for catching up on sleep.
In the morning we dropped the tents early as it was drizzling and heavier rain was forecast for later in the day. They were right, we did have some more rain, not too heavy but it was persistent. Enough to make the packs wet and the tents heavy. So rather than lingering for lunch by the track we headed to the car. This meant lunch included hot coffee in a cafe in Featherston.
Those on the trip were:
Owen Cox, Peter Davis, David Williams, Niamh Dunne