Wednesday 29 July 2020
Leader: Brian Solomon
At 3pm on Wednesday 29th July 2020 four enthusiastic Parawai golfers met at Kapiti Golf Club for a nine hole game.
The event was arranged by current champion Brian Solomon ( Solly). It was a calm and chilly day. The match was a stableford competition. After 7 holes Sue Pate was in the lead by 1, but golf being golf it was still anyone's game. Hole 8 saw Sue and Paula in the hazard, oh no, Solly overshoot the green on his second shot. Patrick came down the fairway like a man with a mission.
Patrick chipped onto the green nicely and holed it for a par! Solly casually chipped onto the green and into the hole!! A birdie!!

Solly retained the cup after 9 holes. But wait, it was getting cold and dark, two more holes for the cup Solly offered. How could we refuse. Wish I had my headlight. We played two more holes and now have a new Parawai cup holder, Sue Pate!! After a chip out on the ninth!!
Dinner and presentation of the cup and speeches followed at the Banana Leaf Reastaurant.
A fun day.
Those on the trip were:
Brian Solomon, Brian Solomom, Patrick Liss, Sue Pate, Paula Richardson
Currently there is no photo album for this trip.