Parawai Tramping Club

Roaring Stag Hut

8-9 August 2020

Leader: Susan Robertson

An enjoyable easy to medium walk into Roaring Stag hut over the weekend of 8-9 August kept 11 club members out of mischief.

The weekend got off to an exciting start, with coffee and cake in Eketahuna, and it was all uphill from there (well, until the Herepai junction, when thankfully it turned downhill).

The weather was far better than forecast (making those economic forecasters look good) with only a few spots of rain.

On Sunday we split into two groups, with one group shooting up to Herepai for lunch, before rejoining the others at the junction.

Then it was back to Eketahuna to complete the circuit and top up the caffeine levels.

Thanks to everybody for your company on a great weekend.

Those on the trip were:

Susan Robertson, Dave Cox, Neville Grubner, Elisabeth Hynes, Chantal Heller, Bryan Wild, Niamh Dunne, Glenda Robb, Chris Keating, Glenda Robb, Penny Currier