Thursday 27 August 2020
Leader: Susan Robertson
An overcast day with a mixed forecast saw nine people heading off early to climb Kapakapanui behind Waikanae.
After multiple (fairly cool) river crossings we climbed up the north ridge.

The main objective was to view the renovated hut - and what a great job has been done by the NZ Deerstalkers Association.
After lunch outside we split into two groups with some keen to reach the peak and others happy to wander back down the way we had come.

The afternoon brought thunder and a violent hailstorm but it was all over within an hour.
A useful reminder to always have one's storm gear handy.

A great day's hike with stunning views out towards Kapiti Island.
Those on the trip were:
Susan Robertson, Dave Cox, Marian Cox, Patrick Liss, Steve Hudson, Brandon Holman, Sandra Rowlands, Lynette Francis, Richard Lambert
Currently there is no photo album for this trip.