Sunday 13 September 2020
Leader: Paula Richardson
The Plan was to do a round trip to Burn Hut.
We drove to Mangahao Dam No 2 and left one car there , then took everyone in two cars up to Mangahao Dam No 1 and started our tramp from there. It was already raining lightly and we decided it would be best to do the river section at the start of the day rather than the end. The dams were spectacularly full of water!!

We started up the track on the edge of Dam 1 to College Stream then up the stream for a further hour or so, we then climbed up the track to the tops and along to Burn Hut. It was raining, windy and visibility was limited so we were glad to get to Burn Hut for a second lunch!
We didn’t dally too long before heading out along the tops for a while then down , down , down to the bush and then to the river and a sidle along to Dam 2. The car drivers had gone on ahead and were driving back to Dam 2 just as it was getting dark and the rest of us were getting out of the bush.

A nice way to spend a wintery Sunday, would also be a lovely way to spend a summery Sunday I think.
Those on the trip were:
Paula Richardson, Graeme Richardson, Tony Quayle, Owen Cox, Marian Cox, Glen Cattermole, Eva Pedro, Kate Livingstone, Chris Keating, Glenda Robb

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.