28-29 November 2020
Leader: David Williams
The forecast looked a little wet Saturday night and Sunday morning, but fining up from late morning. After a quick stop for coffee in Shannon, we headed for dam number 1. The dam was up, so we had to take the sidle track. We ate lunch half way along before we crossed the river to avoid climbing the slip.
We all arrived at the hut and those in front saw a decent stag across the river and a hind below the hut. A father and young son joined us early evening, saying it had taken some time to walk in.

Sunday we headed off in steady rain. The side creeks were up, but crossable. We got to the slip and had some problems getting up one point with steepness and nothing to hold on to. Once the first person was up, we discovered a rope which made is easier for the others. When we got to Dick Creek, it was moving at a fair old pace and uncrossable. Only a dick would attempt to cross that!! We discussed options and decided to bash up beside the stream to look for other places to cross. It was a better option than sitting getting cold in the rain!! After an hour, the rain had stopped and we continued for 30 mins, then stopped and had a cuppa while the creek rapidly went down. We all crossed safely and then walked our way back down. The hill was steep and bluffy, but we managed to sidle ok and arrived back at the original crossing (which was still not crossable). The rest of the walk out was ok, with quite a lot of water on the track. We arrived back at the dam around 7pm and made our way home
Those on the trip were:
Owen Cox, Marcia Goode, Roy Dey, Niamh Dunne, David Williams, Kylie Gilbert

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.