13-14 March 2021
Leader: Owen Cox
There were only two on the trip. Peter had something on on Saturday morning, so we set off shortly afternoon.
After a bit of navigating through changes in road layout and cones at Te Horo we got to the road barrier before the Blue Slip at 1.00 pm. The road blockage at the slip is due to the road slumping at the western side before the narrow bit of the slip.

At 2.00 pm we left the Waiotauru River for the climb up to Fields Hut. The track has obviously benefited from the rest over the lockdowns and now the limited use because of the slip. No mud on the track and totally mud-free boots at Fields; first time ever for me. After a break we wandered over Table Top and then down to Penn Creek Hut for the night. Just over five hours, including stops, from the picnic area at the Forks.
There was a bit of chill in the air first thing on Sunday morning. The first swim in Penn Creek was pretty cold on the hands and we were glad of our wetsuits. It warmed up as soon as the sun hit the valley floor and the swimming became a pleasure. Some beautiful long pools in the section of the gorge below Penn Creek. We had lunch about a hour above Otaki Forks. From the swing bridge on the Waitewaewae Track we carried on down the river, avoiding the road walk. Looked at from below, the slumping involves quite a large section of rock. From here it was distance down the river then up a steep 4-wheel drive track to the car, which we arrived at mid afternoon.
Those on the trip were:
Owen Cox, Peter Davis

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.