Saturday 20 March 2021
Leader: David Williams
Four keen souls departed Kaitoke at 6.30am for a day Tararua Southern Crossing.
We made Alpha Hut within 5 hours and stopped for lunch. Climbing up to the tops it was a little cold and slightly windy, but good conditions overall. We saw a few parties doing the crossing as a multi-day trip.

We had another break at Kime Hut and then met Patrick, Tony and Ben along Table Top. A stop at Field Hut for a cuppa, then down to Otaki Forks. A few kilometres along the closed section of road saw us at the car in just over 12 hours of travelling time. We had walked 42km and almost 3000m of ascent - a fantastic day with some awesome company. Thanks chaps!
Those on the trip were:
David Williams, Rex Benbrook, Rob Dey, Mike Richardson

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.