9-10 October 2021
Leader: Owen Cox
This was planned as an easy trip with camping and days walks.
After meeting up in Featherston the 18 of us drove to Ngawi and watched a boat launch from the beach. Always a bit of fun with the fishing boats launching from the beach using tractors and enormous trailers. From here we drove to the carpark below the lighthouse.

We then carried our packs along the 4 wheel drive track to the conservation land next to Stonewall Creek. We found a campsite in kanuka/manuka near Stonewall Creek and soon had innumerable tents up.
After lunch we broke into two groups. One went up the hill behind the camp and around on the old high sidle track to a viewpoint above Stonewall basin. The climb to the ridge was steep with bit of sidling about, to avoid bluffs near the top. From the shoulder we followed the old sidle around to a point above the basin. There was one interesting steep gravel chute to cross. We enjoyed the view and the sun here before returning to camp. Rest of the us went north along the coast to White Rock Bay and the old hut site. This goes over a gravelly moonscape with good views of the coast. There were plenty of seals, including pups, along the top of the beach.

In the evening we gathered around the fire and enjoyed the warm night. Paul entertained us with his ukulele with accompanying dancers. We had some light rain after 9 p.m. so we then headed for the tents. The light rain became heavy for a few minutes but most of us were happily in tents for this.
Sunday was a bit overcast. Following the glowing reports of the coastal walk the hill walkers decided the walk around the coast. Tony led the others back to the lighthouse and then up the stream to Mangatoetoe Hut for lunch. After the coast walkers had walked back to the lighthouse it was decided that it was bit late to join the others at Mangatoetoe Hut. Instead we walked to the Putangirua Pinnacles and then did the lookout loop.

Both groups met up at the Pinnacles carpark before heading to Lake Ferry for food and drink at 3. Very pleasant sitting outside in the sun eating.
Those on the trip were:
Owen Cox, Yingjun Shelton, Kylie Gilbert, Simon Laing, Sue Pate, Marian Cox, Glenda Robb, Chris Keating, Kate Livingston, Neville Grubner, Elisabeth Hynes, David Williams, Paul Michl, Nisa Promchot, Chantal Heller, Marcia Goode, Rob Dey, Tony Quayle.