4-8 January 2022
Leader: Peter Davis
Walking down the Otaki River from near its headwaters is a regular summer club trip, and having missed out on earlier expeditions I was glad for the opportunity this time.
The period after New Year promised dry, sunny warm weather, perfect for 5 days of river travel.

The first day started with a car shuffle - leaving a car at the Waikawa Domain, Manakau for our last day and then driving up to Poads Road, Ohau.
Day 1 saw us meandering up the Ohau River to South Ohau Hut where we stopped for a quick swim and lunch, then plodding up Yeates. Once at the top, about half way along to Te Matawai Hut, we found the marker that lead to a route down to the Otaki River where we camped the first night.

Day 2 involved following the river as it increased in size down to the Mid Otaki Hut area, where we camped on some expansive river flats.
Day 3 was more of the same with gorgeous river travel, sometimes narrower and sometimes on beautiful terraces. Swims and rests were taken at will as we enjoyed the remoteness, having the river all to ourselves.

On Day 4 we arrived at the forks with the Waitewaewae River and then followed it up to Island Forks Hut where we camped. Previous trips continued along the Otaki, but we decided on coming out this way instead.
Day 5 started with a small back-track to where the Waitewaewae River forks and then following the West Branch until we found a marker leading us up a scramble route heading for Mt Thompson. We decided to follow the Waikawa Stream out, which involved a bit of bush bashing along the way until we found the Old Mill track after which it was a short walk to the road end, and then down Manakau Road back to the waiting car.
It was great to be with 3 others who had done the trip before, and all 4 of us were experienced capable river walkers, which, along with perfect weather, made for very enjoyable travel and a wonderful relaxing tramp.
Those on the trip were:
David Williams, Owen Cox, Peter Davis, Tony Quayle

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.