Wednesday 26 October 2022
Leader: Bryan Wild
Two members and a prospective member set out on a very pleasant spring morning to walk from Pukerua Bay to Plimmerton along the coastline. As we descended the zigzag track down to the beach area, the sea looked calm and blue ... If it had been a bit warmer maybe it might have tempted us in.
We arrived at the hole in the rock and could see lots of gulls with their young fledglings getting their early flying lessons from one of the two small adjacent islands.

Our only obstacle being that with the tide at just about its highest point we had to negotiate the bit of a rock corner to avoid getting our boots and probably our shorts wet too. It was fairly straightforward and in fact added a little drama to an otherwise easy plod around the bay.
We tramped on along the shingle beach where it required a little effort for an hour or more until we reached the corner where we could begin the walk in towards Plimmerton.

By now our thoughts were on lunch. We tossed around the idea of fish and chips but with a majority vote for the Big Orange café …… none of us were disappointed. Lovely coffee, a savoury or two and a bit of cake. Splendid. We caught the 2.40pm train home after what was a lovely ‘outing’.
Those on the trip were:
Bryan Wild, John Glover, Erica Treacher

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.