13-14 November 2022
Leader: Mark Robertson
Having completed the Pukeokahu walk, we set off that afternoon to find Mackintosh Hut in the Kawekas. The idea being to walk into the hut that night and return the following morning. However things didn't go as planned, as we turned right on leaving the woolshed, when we should have turned left.
After an extended road trip, we arrived at the road-end fairly late in the piece and with all feeling more than a little tired from Pukeokahu, we abandoned the idea of walking a new track in the dark and set off instead for the Kuripapango camp site a little further down the road. This was a really pleasant little spot at which we set about making camp for the night. We were all early to bed (by dark) ready for a leisurely start the next morning.

With breakfast and packing done, we returned to the road-end and followed the appropriate DoC directions to Mackintosh Hut at which we arrived mid morning (following an encounter with a couple who were doing hut maintenance). A great little hut that was orange in colour, nicely appointed with kitchen, bunks and tool shed (with a full compliment of tools for the collection of firewood).
After morning tea we returned to the vehicle to head off to a different road to explore Kaweka Lakes. With head down and ass up we set off in the completely wrong direction, heading up some mountain, having missed the sign at the start of the track that suggested we should make a hard left turn as soon as we started along the track. Talk about sheep following the leader - but I suppose that doesn't excuse the rest of us from missing the sign.

After realising our mistake some time later, we about-turned and picked-up the correct track not far from the vehicle. Making good time, we arrived at the lakes (which we found a little under-whelming), stopped for a quick snack, then returned to the vehicle and eventually made our way home. Another long day.
Those on the trip were:
Julie James, Mark Robertson, Robyn Wilson

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.