Thursday 2 March 2023
Leader: Owen Cox
There were seven of us for this walk south from Titahi Bay. We started from the south end of the Bay and followed the formed track above the cliffs to the road down to the sewer outfall.
Fortunately the treatment means this does not pong too much and much of the filth is extracted before discharge. Still has a greenish hue and a chemical smell though. From the outfall we walked along the coast, with some rocky bits to clamber over. This only lasts as far as the bay before Green Point where the going is along the beach on flat grass.

At Open Bay, about an hour and half from Titahi Bay, we stopped at the top of the beach for lunch. A couple of us went swimming and others walked a kilometre of so to the south. We varied the route back, climbing up the hill at the first rocky stretch to the road by the treatment plant. We followed this uphill to the gate before the first houses and then followed the track downhill to join the track above the cliffs and then down to the cars.
Those on the trip were:
Chris Keating, Dave Cox, Glenda Robb, Ian Bade, Kate Livingston, Owen Cox, Susan Robertson, Erica Treacher

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.