Sunday 13 August 2023
Leader: John Glover
Six of us travelled to Wellington Airport by train (bus replaced) and Airport Bus. We met David and Pete at the Three Quarters Café.
After our caffeine intake, we began our walk, following Stewart Duff Drive and Moa Point Road to the beginning of the walkway. We first walked up to the Atatürk Memorial where, despite the somewhat threatening weather, some good photos were taken. There are good views from there of the local bays and harbour entrance.

We followed the walkway towards Seatoun, passing through some native bush where the birdsong was wonderfully loud. Around 12 midday we stopped for a track-side lunch where a good number of tree roots formed small steps, provided the seating.
Following lunch we completed the ridge walk and descended to the Pass of Branda. We walked south along Breaker Bay Road a short distance then dropped down to the Breaker Bay beach. At this point, people were free to explore the Fort Dorset area at their own pace.

Places of interest that were visited included: Oruaiti Pa site and Pouwhenua, the 6-inch Battery Observation Post, various bunkers and a magazine.
Following the leisurely tour we reassembled at the Pass of Branda, then followed Breaker Bay Road and Moa Point Road back towards the airport. On the way we visited Wahine Memorial Park.
This was a very undemanding walk with a number of interesting sites along the way.

Those on the trip were:
Dave Cox, David Williams, John Glover, Kate Livingston, Owen Cox, Peter Davis, Susan Robertson, Erica Treacher

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.