Sunday 29 October 2023
Leader: Kate Livingston
Seven headed off early to the Manor Park station commuters' car park at the bottom of Haywards Hill in the Hutt Valley.
As the wind direction was northerly, we walked from north to south, to have the wind behind us - desirable as much of the time one is quite exposed on the hills.

The weather stayed clear and sunny all day with light wind so we had magnificent 360 views from many locations.
The Puke Ariki track does not appear on maps such as Topo 50 but is well sign-posted within the regional park.

We headed up the track from the Dry Creek entrance. After a steep climb up a 4WD track we picked up the track that went across farmland, past an airstrip, around the large number of WWII ammunition storage bunkers, and through small patches of bush to eventually reach the Belmont trig.
After the trig we took the track down to the Korokoro stream and out at the Cornish Street park entrance.

From there was an easy 10-minute walk to Petone station and a train back to our cars. The trip usually takes around 5-6 hours but we took a bit longer - enjoying the views.
Those on the trip were:
Jen Perry, Kate Livingston, Maryann Bugg, Owen Cox, Yingjun Shelton, Damian Ruth
Currently there is no photo album for this trip.