Sunday 10 December 2023
Leader: Brandon Holman
Five of us set off from the Kapiti School at 8:30am. I had thought that we might have some rain, but we actually had rain for the whole duration.
We set off from the car park ahead of the slip at about 9:15am, and walked to the swing bridge shelter for morning tea and toilets. We then proceeded through the old overnight car park and headed for the Waiotauru Track. The rain was quite heavy and the streams coming down the hillside were quite swollen. When we got to the first slip on the track, we found the streambed resembled more of a lahar than a stream, with loose rocks and debris, and the first few to reach it decided they did not want to cross it, so we all backtracked and made our way to schoolhouse flats where we had lunch, in the now very rarely used cooking and eating shelter, previously used by the many school parties who used to drive up there for camping trips before the road permanently closed. After lunch we headed back to the cars as some of the party were quite wet and cold. We got back to Kapiti School at about 1:45pm, and then headed home for a warm shower and some dry clothes.
Those on the trip were:
Brandon Holman, Clive Kayser, Maryann Bugg, Matt Freeland, Yingjun Shelton

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.